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Meet Your Complete Match!

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Nude photo #1 X-rated photo #1 X-rated photo #2 Profile photo #1 Profile photo #2 Profile photo #3 Profile photo #4 Profile photo #5 Nude photo #2 Nude photo #3 Profile photo #6 Nude photo #4 Nude photo #5 Profile photo #7 Profile photo #8 Profile photo #9 Profile photo #10 Nude photo #6 X-rated photo #3 Nude photo #7
*X-rated photos are hidden until you log in!
See all of your date.
Before you date.

What do we look for in a partner?

A compatible personality, mutual interests, an attractive appearance and, if we're honest, big... well, never mind.

The importance of physical attraction

Physical attraction is what first brings people together — and keeps them together.  Strong relationships, good sex, and mutual respect all depend on physical attraction.

Unfortunately, 'polite society' does not always allow us to ask and see what is needed to make the best choice.

That's where Barely Dating comes in: discreetly and 100% anonymously discover the best matches for you.

Conventional dating

You see an attractive face, a clothed body, and introduce yourself.  Taking the rest on 'face value', you hope it will turn out well: you risk time, money, travel, heartbreak, and other (potentially better) options in order to be with that person.

But why hope?  Why take risks?  Why miss out on someone better?

Barely Dating gives you certainty from the outset that you are both physically compatible — there will be no disappointment when conversation turns into passion!

Barely Dating – dating with a twist

While part of our site consists of conventional dating profiles, a second part consists of completely anonymous nude photo profiles where users can upload whatever they wish – tasteful or explicit – so long as their face is not shown.

The random gallery above shows real users who have given permission to showcase their photos.  X-rated photos are obscured until you log in.

How to find your perfect match

Randomly rate anonymous nude and non-nude photos.  Whenever you and another user rate each other highly, it's a match.  You can then see each other's profiles, and any photos you choose to reveal to each other.

Even if they choose not to reveal themselves, you know you will like them in person.  Why?  Because you have already seen and liked their photos!

What is Barely Dating?

3.78MB video, 42 seconds

100% anonymous

Other members are shown your photos randomly mixed with thousands of others, and will not know which are yours or which belong together.

How can I be sure?

As you can see in the gallery above, nude photos do not show faces or other distinguishing features.

How much is it?

Barely Dating is completely free, but we plan to introduce paid features in the future.

Still have questions?

You can visit our Frequently Asked Questions, contact us, or simply sign up and see for yourself!

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